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Code for Key Encryption with a Single, Secret Key in C#

Key Dependent Encoding

Encryption, or Encoding, simply is the art of leaving data in obfuscated form in order to keep it secure.

It could be as simple as replacing all characters in a text file with those from a predetermined set in a manner that has the original text having a direct correlation with the encrypted / encoded version.
An example of this is seen in the Base-64 Encoding System.

Encryption could also mean adding junk data to an original data in such a way that the original data is completely defaced but can still be comfortably extracted from the encrypted version.

Encryption processes must always be consistent: i.e. the same type of encryption, or encoding, carried out on the same data or file must always produce exactly the same obfuscated output.

But with key dependent encryption, every unique key produces a completely different encoded set or obfuscated data.
This ensures better security of data since brute-forcing becomes very difficult without knowledge of the secret key used.
Also, the longer the key used, the more useless brute-forcing becomes.

This means that different individuals or firms can employ the same encryption process, but have their own unique secret key (Private Key) to encrypt data with.
Such encrypted data cannot be comfortably decrypted by a second firm using the same encryption process if the first firm can keep its key secret enough.

Recurrent Sequences or Series

Remember Sequences and Series from Ordinary Level Mathematics; Recurrent Series to be precise? They become as useful as they can be here!

Recurrent Series has the unique characteristic that all succeeding terms in a progression are totally dependent on all preceding terms - i.e. for any Recurrent Series, any n+1th term cannot be determined unless the value of the nth term and its predecessors are known;
and even more true is the fact that every other term in the progression is absolutely dependent on the 1st term of the series.

So given the recurrent series

tn+1 = 3tn + 1;

a canonical form of the same equation can be extrapolated where any term tn can be found only with the value of t1 known.
This canonical equation is derived by noting and generalising the pattern that successive terms exhibit, viz:

   tn+1 = 3tn + 1;
Finding t2 and onward terms
When n = 1:
   t2 = 3t1 + 1;
When n = 2:
   t3 = 3(3t1 + 1) + 1
      = 32t1 + 3 + 1;
When n = 3:
   t4 = 3(32t1 + 3 + 1) + 1
      = 33t1 + 32 + 3 + 1;
When n = 4:
   t5 = 3(33t1 + 32 + 3 + 1) + 1
      = 34t1 + 33 + 32 + 3 + 1;

Following the observed pattern, it can be generalised that for any n:
Tn = 3n-1t1 + 3n-2 + 3n-3 + … + 32 + 31 + 30;

The progression of terms after the first term suggests the summation of terms in a geometric sequence.
For any geometric progression, the nth term, Tn, is given by
   Tn = arn-1;
and Sum of Terms, Sn is given viz:
   Sn = a + ar + ar2 + … + arn-1;

Sn   =    a(rn - 1)
r - 1

For our culminating geometric series, first term is 1, common ratio is 3, but last term is arn-2 which leaves a shorting of 1 in the power of r for any normal term.
Hence for our geometric sequence,

Sn   =    a(rn-1 - 1)
r - 1
⇒ Sn   =    3n-1 - 1

Hence, the resulting general relation for our recurrent series becomes

Tn   =  3n-1t1 +   3n-1 - 1
Tn   = 3n-1(2t1 + 1) - 1

The afore property is what we will be exploiting in the C# algorithm for encrypting data with reference to single secret keys.

Create a new class file;
Call it SoleKeyEncryption.
Type out the adjoining C# code for encrypting a chunk of data with a secret key.

Important: BigInteger is inbuilt in C#.
You only need to use the System.Numerics library.

You might have to add the above library in the reference section - Project >> Add Reference...; tick off System.Numerics - to be able to use it.

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