Demonstrating and showing pupils and students one application of Mathematics.

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Data and Software Security in C#

Scenario for Security

Imagine yourself as a student having an assignment or project due for submission but cannot get to school due to ill health or some other reason.
The only choice left you is a school-mate living close-by to help submit this assignment / project.
If for some reason you would like to be sure that your work will not be copied, or seen by your courier school-mate en route to school, you may be forced to take some steps to protect your work...

Security Options

A first thought to protecting this precious work may be to get an appropriate sized envelope and seal the (paper) work in it, before handing the work over to your courier friend.
The problem with this option is that the courier friend can easily get a similar envelope, and re-seal the work after copying or going through the to-be-submitted project if he/she is interested.

One way to make sure this will not happen is to put your hand signature on the envelope so it becomes difficult to replace.
This means the courier friend can only see the project if he can skillfully open the closed envelope without damaging it, and then re-seal it when he is done; or he will have to be able to replicate your hand signature on a second envelope - this may be possible if your hand signature is easy to copy or if the courier friend is innately gifted in mimicking or replicating things.
The big problem with this though is that your subject teacher may not be looking out for your hand signature on an envelope, or expecting any envelope for that matter.

A second option would be for you to buy a padlock; put the project in your schoolbag and lock the zips tacked together with the padlock.
This sounds like the more secure option of the two.

Key Delivery System

Going with the second security option, you are not going to just hand both the schoolbag and the padlock's key to the same person, the whole fuss will amount to nothing.
You will have to find two different mutually exclusive school-mates in your neighbourhood, one to deliver the project in the schoolbag and the other to deliver the key to the padlock with which you locked your schoolbag.
Mutually exclusive in this context simply means that the courier friend to deliver the schoolbag with the project in it will not be aware or even know about the courier friend that will be delivering the key.
Otherwise, they may collude on the way and tamper with your precious project.

This way, your precious project arrives at your subject teacher's desk in two bits, and your mind will be at peace as to the integrity of the contents of your project.

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