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Implementing Code for Public / Private Key Encryption in C#

Private Key - Public Key Encryption Mechanism

A Private Key - Public Key Encryption works much like a padlock that is operated with two different keys: one key for the sole purpose of locking the padlock, and the other to open it only; just as was illustrated in our introduction to data security section.

In a Public Key - Private Key encryption system, one key is open to the public - rightly called the Public Key; which can only be used to encrypt data or file to be transferred say over the Internet.
The other key is kept secret - obviously called the Private Key; Its main function is to decrypt any encrypted data or file sent to it over a transfer medium - usually the Internet.

The beauty of the Public Key - Private Key Encryption System is that data encrypted with the Public Key cannot be decrypted with the same Public Key.

A ready scenario to the apt use of this could be a situation where a subject Teacher in class poses a question and every student is to attempt an answer. The students submit their answers in encrypted form with a public key given by the Teacher and the Teacher displays each answer as they come on a projector.
After every student has submitted an answer, the Teacher shows the correct answer on the projector, then decrypts every students answer to reveal which student(s) may have gotten the correct answer to the posed question.
Done this way, no students can take clues from other students' answers for their own answers.

This set-up can also be used in a live hosted (Quiz) Programme if all viewers can have access to the encryption algorithm to be used.
This way, not even behind-the-scene Technicians or even the Producer can see (and leak) the entries or answers viewers have submitted until the Show Host is ready to reveal them.

The Open-Lock-Only Conundrum

The above hypothesis sounds like the perfect theory until it has to be implemented.
The big question then is just how do you design an encryption algorithm that a user can encode data with given the set of parameters available to him/her, but cannot decode the obfuscated data using the same parameters?
This is what we call the Open-Lock-Only Conundrum.

Going down the time-line of Mathematics, much help is not found.
This is because almost every single Binary Operation in Mathematics has a complementary opposite.
Addition is reversed with Subtraction; Multiplication is reversed with Division; Even Unary Operations like Sine, Cosine and Tangent are reversed with their Arc counterparts.
The only binary operation close to one without an opposite is the Modulus (not Young's). Modulus is even more interesting when you consider the fact that working out 12 % 5 yields 2; but so also does 22 % 5 and 37 % 5 and so on and so forth; making it almost impossible to tell exactly [what number] % 2 yielded 2 in a posteriori.

This provides a nice cover for any Open-Lock-Only encryption since there is always an infinite number of correct solutions to any modulus operation.
This cover however is only adequate with humans since computers can proffer these answers in virtually no time; Reverse Engineers can tell the likely solution simply by inspecting all available answers.

To further spice things up though, moduli of data to be encrypted are carried out with prime numbers since computer algorithms known so far take too long - exponential time - to factor semi primes or list prime numbers.

Hence if parameters can be chosen in a doctored fashion, an Open-Lock-Only algorithm becomes achievable.
To carry out an Open-Lock-Only algorithm in C# however, the following steps are carried out with precision, viz:

  1. Two (large) prime numbers are chosen, we will call them p1 and p2.
  2. The prime numbers are multiplied to produce a semi-prime.
    Semi-prime will go hand in hand with the Public Key and Private Key so it is also a public knowledge.
  3. The Lowest Common Factor (L.C.M.) of p1 - 1 and p2 - 1 is calculated.
    We will simply call it lcm.
  4. A (prime) number that lies between the range of 1 to lcm is chosen; this will be the Public Key.
    One condition in picking the Public Key is that it must have no common factors with the lcm.
    Or put differently, the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) of Public Key and lcm must be 1; Picking a prime number as the Public Key almost guarantees this.
  5. Finally, the Private Key is calculated as the Modular Multiplicative Inverse of the Public Key.
    I.e., (public_key * private_key) % lcm = 1.
  6. To encrypt data using the Public Key, you do:
    [Unicode(data)]public_key % semi_prime = encoded_data;
  7. To decrypt coded data using the Private Key, you do:
    [encoded_data)]private_key % semi_prime = original data;
  8. moduli of data to be encrypted are carried out

In answer to speed of computers problem, real Public Key - Private Key algorithms use very large prime numbers that are almost impossible to factor in linear time for the current prime number algorithms that are known to the programming community...

By The Way: The encryption algorithm described in the above steps is called R.S.A. algorithm; and coming up with an algorithm that can factor very large semi primes into their prime factors in linear time is called the R.S.A. problem.
You can try your hands on it and see whether you can solve this problem!

Also noteworthy is the fact that there are other ways of implementing an open-lock-only encryption algorithm; like the Logarithm Encryption, e.t.c.
If you interested in knowing more, an Internet search for Public Key - Private Key Encryption should bring up some relevant results - Wikipedia especially has some very fine articles on Public Key - Private Key Encryptions.

Create a new class file;
Call it DualKeyEncryption.
Type out the adjoining C# code for encrypting and decrypting a chunk of data using a Public Key - Private Key pair.

Important: BigInteger is inbuilt in C#.
You only need to use the System.Numerics library.
You might have to add the above library in the reference section - Project >> Add Reference...; tick off System.Numerics - to be able to use it.

The algorithm class for finding LCM has been explained in the Primary Category.
Create a new Class File called LCM in your current project and copy the L.C.M. code into it.

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