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Getting Started with VB.Net

What You Need!

You have no business being here if you are not a Windows user.

Go ahead and download Visual Studio if you don't have it already.
Hey, the Community version is now free!

Using Visual Studio

To create a new project: On the Start Page of Visual Studio, click New Project.
Select Visual Basic and Console Application (for our purpose) under the .Net Framework header.
Give the project a name. Click OK.

A default module with Module1 as its name gets created;
You can rename it   -- right-click on the name from the Solution Explorer panel --   if you feel like.

To create a new Module file: click Project, Add Module.
Select Module, give the module a name and click Add.
To create a new class file: click Project, Add Class.
Select Class, give the class a name and click Add.

Running Visual Basic Codes

To make sure your code contains no errors and see its output before you get to building it, set a breakpoint at the End Sub statement in the main module:
Click on the left area of the "End Sub" line to highlight it;
click Debug at the top of the window, Toggle breakpoint; a red dot appears on the End Sub line.

Press F5, (click Yes) to see the project run to completion - assuming there are no errors.
A new shell is created that shows the result of your code.

Alternatively, click Debug >> Start Without Debugging (Ctrl F5) to see your output.

If you have multiple modules with Sub Main();
Click Project >> <ProjectName> Properties... and select the module you wish to run as the Startup Object.

Notice: Our colour coding follows that of Microsoft's Visual Studio.

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