Demonstrating and showing pupils and students one application of Mathematics.

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Codes in JavaScript

Language of JavaScript

JavaScript is the language of web pages.
Each time you surf on any website, you are simply viewing the different web pages on that site.

What HTML means:

HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language.
Like the name says, it is a standard (mark-up) that instructs browsers on how to display (render) web pages.

HTML is written by the use of tags that come mostly in pairs (though a few of them are single).
The tags that come in pairs have a start and end tag.

Why JavaScript

JavaScript brings web-pages to life.
A simple web page (HTML) without JavaScript cannot be interacted with.

To use JavaScript in HTML, the <script> ... </script> tags are used.
Everything in between these tags are processed as code before the browser adds the result to the static HTML mark-up.

Here, we have written all our daemonstrations in JavaScript for the sake of those who are first-timers to programming; so they can easily follow our daemonstrations.

Note: Native programming languages, unlike JavaScript, require the installation of a compiler and Linker for their use.

Feel free to try out any of the heavyweight (native) code language if programming appeals to you.

It's fun though, we can assure you of that!

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