Demonstrating and showing pupils and students one application of Mathematics.

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Code for Dividing Fractions in JavaScript

Method of Dividing Fractions

Division is the inverse operation of multiplication; That is exactly what we'll do with for fractions.
Invert the fractions that come after a division sign, as well change the division sign to multiplication, and then follow through with multiplication.

Algorithm Steps to Divide Fractions in JavaScript

Say we are to simplify
                  21/8 ÷ 7/2;

Inverting this will yield
                  21/8 ÷ 7/2;

Then we can go ahead and multiply.

Create 2 new files; On Notepad++: File, New.
Call them DivideFraction.html and DivideFraction.js;
Type out the adjoining JavaScript code for dividing fractions.

Note: The bulk of the divide_fraction.js code is a copy of that for multiplying fractions.


Feel free to try out your own set of numerators and denominators for fractional division.

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