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Code for Reducing Fractions to their Lowest Term in Python

How to Reduce Fractions to Lowest Term

Reducing fractions to their lowest terms is all about removing every common factor between the numerator and the denominator.

Reducing Fractions to Lowest Term Code in Python

Let's see this using 12/16.

A common factor to 12 and 16 is 2;
so removing 2 from 12/16 yields 6/8.

Again, 2 is common to both 6 and 8;
removing it yields 3/4.

We stop when nothing else is common (1 does not count).

Create a new module file; call it
Type out the adjoining Python code for reducing fractions to their lowest terms.

Note: You can comment out the ImproperToMixed Python object code in the main class from the previous lesson or simply continue from where it stopped.


Feel free to try out your own numerator and denominator.

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